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Friday, April 30, 2010


There are some days when you’re down and out, at your lowest point emotionally and you just don’t know how to deal with it; but, there also those rare occasions, once in a while, when you are SO happy you don’t know how to deal with it! Today, it’s one of those days for me – the latter type! :P

These days I have been going through this phase of ‘Just-flow-with-life’. I have a set routine which I follow, bored with the monotony. And today started off just like that. I came to work, had a list of things to work on. THEN, halfway through the day – I freaked out! In a good way :P You know the feeling one gets when he/she gets through the first round of Indian Idol auditions or like, when all your friends have some or the other excuse to not meet you and then suddenly all of them turn up together to surprise you? :P ya ya! I have had that feeling too – the latter one :D

So basically, today started off quite lamely, if that’s even a word. And then I got this beautiful surprise that I had never even remotely thought of! Vaise toh, I’m myself a big one on giving surprises to people but I’m also quite blonde when people do things for me ;) Like, someone might be planning something for me right under my nose and I wouldn’t realize! But, today was different! And, what happened today made me realize exactly how much I am valued by some :D. Maybe not actually! I am still numb, so I can’t really imagine..

Its true – it takes a small gesture to make someone’s day. And, I hadn’t really recovered from one thing when a second was thrown at me.

These weren’t big things at all, but you know what I liked best? They were both intangible. It wasn’t anything you could touch or see. It was just a few words – through which I could feel a sense of magic. A bond that was taken to the next level. A level that has enriched a few relationships by a hundred fold! A connection that will never ever EVER fade. I believe in it. Today is a day of realizations. Today is a day of overwhelming emotions. Today is a day I want to cherish forever! Today is a happy day!

And today, all I can say is..

Its only words,

And words are all I have

To take your heart away…

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